Ingvild Paulsen
About me
I started freelancing when I moved to Scotland in
2002. (Yes, I had fallen for a man in a kilt when I
studied film and media at University of Stirling.)
With an “office” in a shared flat in Glasgow I
quickly became the unofficial Great Britain-
correspondent for Dagens Næringsliv´s
feature department. The job involves finding new
trends, topics and interesting personalities. I've
covered everything from speed-dating in London
to fox hunting it the English countryside, after the
fox hunting ban. (They hunted lycra-clad runners
instead). I have observed debates in the House of Lords and sun worshipping druids at Stonehenge. And had lunch with a secret agent at the Special Forces Club, the club for 007 types in London. I also write for A magasinet, the bestselling newspaper magasine in Norway, and just did a deep dive into the Scottish kilt and tartan industry on their behalf.
Why feature writing?
I love telling stories, being curious, meeting people and finding out what makes them tick. It also enjoy the craft of storytelling: To shape a journalistic narrative using the many tools of dramaturgy. Getting an idea while cycling to the office and then developing it into a multi-page article that is appreciated and discussed gives job- satisfaction like no other. And I enjoy collaborating with creative photographers and sharp editors.
Any drawbacks?
Well.. It often involves waiting, often quite a long time, until the source agrees to an interview. (Journalist Taffy Brodesser- Akner actually wrote a whole book, the now successful tv-series, “Fleishman is in trouble”, during these waits. Respect to her.) It's also far from fun to get up in the middle of the night because the photographer wants to capture the sunrise and and I have fear of missing out. Having to limit my research when EVERYTHING is interesting and could become a whole book is also frustrating. And the blank page before writing the headline, the stand first and indeed the rest, is terrifying every time.
Career highlight
One of my articles was hung on the wall in a cabin in the ski-paradise Finse! On the toilet wall to be exact. This is a huge honour in Norway: To be displayed in a place where it will be read and reread many, many times. It is like winning a Pulitzer. (The story was about an office worker in London who started climbing trees during his lunch break. The owners of the cabin, whom I do not know, said it was the most inspiring story they had ever read.)
Dream projects
- To interview the Brazilian documentary photographer Sebastio Salgado. (Note: This dream has come true!!! It was front-page story in D2.)
- To write a book about Scotch whisky where I ride a motorbike from distillery to distillery.
- To translate the books of the wonderful essayist David Sedaris together with the eminent writer Inger Dybvig Kenobi. Have you not heard of David Sedaris? Well, then you can thank us later. Life becomes easier when reading his books.